Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Taking on Leadership

Well, today went from being a slow casual day... to my NCO getting put on bed rest for 3 days. So, that made ME the person in charge of my clinic. Normally I wouldn't mind.... but most of the people who work with me treat me like I am some stupid kid. They are all older than I am, and most of them are married to someone of higher rank... so they assume they can treat me like crap. It drive me crazy that they don't listen to me. But, so far so good.
Why does it always seem like the instant you are left in charge, all hell breaks loose. We have this breifing we are all suppossed to go to today, and when i got back from lunch... there were like 4 scheduling conflicts with it. Now I have to find a way to be in 3 places at once. But I guess that it what it take to be a leader. And after all, practice makes perfect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Change of Command...

Well, today was our Change of Command at work...
We got a new company commander, who I am not terribly thrilled with... but only Time will tell. We also got a new First Sergeant who FREAKING ROCKS! I am actually excited about going to Physical Training tomorrow because he is leading it. he is very Motivational and just an easy person to talk to.
I am learing "nothing Else Matters" on my guitar... which is the FIRST song I am learning... I have only had 8 lessons... so I am fast tracking the guitar. I love playing... so I practice alot.
Worked out today, and the squats kicked my butt... literally! My rear is a bit on the sore side already! SO I will be doing a lot of stretching before I go to bed tonight.
Tomorrow is upper body training... hopefully I do better with that then I did Lower body!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Whats Up????

An oil refinery was damaged in SE Lousiana in the storm.... so if you haven't filled your tank, you may want to. Prices could jump more than 25cents per gallon tomorrow morning. So, if you live cloes enough... walking to work can be very benificial to your health!
I did not make the list for the buss to New Orleans. Would have been hard work, but fun and rewarding at the same time. Instead, I am stuck here feeling as lonely, sad, depressed, and useless as ever... ah... this is my fabulous life.
Our Local partner school (a middle school in Hinesville GA0 is looking for assistant teachers and tutors... I have been chosen to help with not only the Choir *SMILES* but also an 8th grade Geometery, and an 8th grade Algebra Class! So, I will be getting 2 afternoons a week off to go to the school and teach, as well as a nice shiney ribbon for my uniform and 5 promotion points! *smiles* (For those of you who don't know, promotion points must be accumulated for promotion to the rank of SGT/E-5 and SSG/E-6.... I am working on getting my E-5)
That is about it for today..... So, I'm gonna go fill up the tank on my beast of a truck...

Sprint rant

Ok... I officially HATE my sprint PCS service. First, they charged me MORE than I should have been charged.... then they shut my phone off... WITHOUT notifying me! So I was mad. I can't wait till january when I can switch to something else.... Cingular, Cell One... anything! I need roll over or something! *smiles*

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Science Moment

For those of you far enough away to not have to worry about hurricanes, I just wanted to give you a little fact....
Katrina is by far the Strongest storm we (since 1935) have seen. Remember Hurricane Andrew? Yes, that was a Cat 5 storm. Max sustained winds: 155mph, Minimum central pressure: 922mb (the lower,the worse the storm)
Now... compare to Katrina, Also a Cat 5 storm.... but: Max sustained Winds 160mph, (Down from 175 mph earlier today)Minimum Central Pressure: 904mb. So... this is the second largest storm in History (since records started in the 1800's).
Here's the worst part... New Orleans is under Sea level, and the protective Levies are only about.... 14ft High. This storm is predicted to have 22-28ft Storm surges.
The point of this post?
Pray for those in the path of this catastrophic storm.

*Authors Note: Check out for updates on the storm. I may be heading to New Orleans in the next day or so, as the National Guard is stretched thin and they will need medics. I will keep you posted*

Lazy, Lazy, lazy

Yep... thats me.
Know what I have gotten done this weekend? NOTHING!
I got the holes drilled so I can start putting my bed together....
And I got Dave 1 level in World Of Warcraft, and I got 2. Which means that I have done NOTHING but sit on my butt in from of the computer all weekend. Gym? NOPE! Cleaning? Not really.... I did the dishes.... *looks embarrassed*
So, tonight, I am going to the gym... tomorrow morning, I will get up for PT, and I will spend all afternoon working my butt off cleaning my house...
Aye Me

Dave got a counseling Statement today... (an informal one thank goodness) For something he didn't do. They tried to get him in trouble for starting a blog cause he logged on and was going to register the address with his unit (like he is suppossed to)and this one jerk of a SGT decided to be mean and try and get him in trouble. Didn't work though. That is about all the fun for this weekend.... Maybe the week will be more interesting.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Smiles and my word of the Day

Well... I just got off the phone with a really good friend. It has been a long time since I spoke to him like I did today, and it felt SO GOOD to have my firend back. I got off the phone and I actually cried a bit because I missed being able to talk to him. I know it's kind of silly... but I only have a few friends, and for a while I thought I had lost one of the Best. *smiles*
I also got to talk to David from Iraq today. He is doing well. Only 4.5 months to go! I miss him alot, but I am keeping myself busy. Building a new bedroom set, learning to play guitar, and babysitting for friends. I miss you baby!
Ok... Word of the day:
Stupid Boys, Stupid Me, Stupid rules, Stupid army, Stupid colleges that won't let me in cause I'm not a resident... just... everything is Stupid today.

Stupid Army Rules!

Ok... I TOTALLY understand Operational Security... but that doesn't mean I have to LIKE it right?

Dave can't send me ANY pictures from Iraq, nor can he even post COMMENTS on my blog. One stupid ass gives away a bunch of stuff on a Blog and now no one can have them over there! And the pictures thing is kind of understandable... but not really. Dang it anyway. I just want a picture of a camel. Is that so terrible? *giggles* oh well... more for him to show me when he comes home I guess.

Stupid boys!

Alright, now before i get all kinds of comments about this one: Hear Me Out!

I got a phone call from a certain Ex Boyfriend.... who decided he had had enough of my "Teasing and leading him on" (YEAH RIGHT??!?). He told me that I had to "chose between him and my husband right now"! ANd I am sitting here the whole time he is yelling at me going... I THOUGH I had done that YEARS ago... I mean hello? I MARRIED DAVE! So he yells at me, calls me all kinds of names (it is about this time I realize he is drunk, and for those of you that know me, you know I hate a drunk... unless I am there and it's a party), tells me I am a whore and a tease and just overall pisses me off. So I hung up on him.

I still have NO IDEA what provoked that call. I have never, since the day we broke up, lead him on. Those that know me know that I am an affectionate person. I hug and call everyone baby or hun (well... people I am friends with anyway!). I was mad for a few minutes, and now I just think that maybe he had wanted to say that for years. Who knows.... stupid boy.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Knowledge... a terrible thing to waste!

I was given some information today that made my year! I found out how I can get a GUARENTEED scholarship to ANY medical school I want to go to. No applications, no nothing.. just 4 years in the Air Force when I am done. I heaved a HUGE sigh of relief and now it is just getting the next 2 years of my enlistment over with, go back to Alaska for AF ROTC, and then 2 years there... then off to medical school! FINALLY Direction in life! *smiles*
Of course... a record contract somewhere might adjust my plan a bit... *dreams* Ah well... atleast there is a method to my madness now!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Minor annoyance....

Well today actually went ok. I had to have my blood drawn by some vampire in the lab. Missed the first time... stuck me again. Forgot to take the tourniquet off before pulling the needle out... so I lost a little more blood. Not the owrst experience... but not very fun.
Psycho woman called the hospital today saying that she had "met this guy on the street who said he was a soldier". She gave him a ride, (to HER HOUSE?!!) and they talked all night (and she told me he was a "great kisser"... YUCK!. Next morning, he said he needed some air and he dissappeared. He said he was from Georgia... so she called every base in Georgia looking for this guy. She kept asking me othelp her find him and I'm listening.... but thinking something was fishy.I don't know the outcome as a SSG took the phone... but I bet he wasn't even IN the army! *shrugs*
I still hate where I work.
My mom sent out christmas lists today... asking me where mine was. I said IT'S AUGUST! I can't get the "christmas spirit" till atleast september. ah well... another day gone, a new one tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dancing in the Rain

Another song.... this one is much more recent and really hits Home. I love you David... Come home safe and soon!


The orders came on a rainy day
To a foriegn land for an extended stay
He packed his bags and kissed me good bye
and I swore I wouldn't cry

I sat alone in our empty home
BUt couldn't bring myself to stay
The rain outside brought me back to life
prayin for a brighter day
now I'm

Dancing in the rain
When it starts to fall
Hearing your heart beat
In the Thunders call
Wishing you were here, right by my side
as a tear falls from my eye...

I hear you voice on the end of the line
YOu tell me your safe, everythings alright
I heard on the news, another soldeir fell
for me, another sleepless night

Dancing in the rain
When it starts to fall
Hearing your heart beat
In the Thunders call
Wishing you were here, right by my side
as a tear falls from my eye...
Feeling your breath in the summers breeze
Lightening strikes sending chills right through me
I wish that you could come home soon
So you could dance with me
Dancing in the Rain

I understand you had to go
I only wish you didn't have to be
So far away
While I'm

Dancing in the rain
When it starts to fall
Hearing your heart beat
In the Thunders call
Wishing you were here, right by my side
as a tear falls from my eye...
Feeling your breath in the summers breeze
Lightening strikes sending chills right through me
I wish that you could come home soon
So you could dance with me
Dancing in the Rain

By Jennifer Gibler
copywrite 2005

Punk Rock meets the Beatles

Ok... so any of you Bostonians, (Or anyone else for that matter)that have not heard the new Band The Click Five, you should check them out. They actually play their own instruments, write their own songs, and yes, they wear suits and ties on stage! They put on a GREAT show and are from Boston! So if for no other reason than they are a home town band, check out the web page. The first single off the album is not the best song, but it plays when you open the page. You can also find them on the internet and such... I bought the album and love it!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Sleeping and cleaning and singing... Oh MY?!

Well, after my post last night, I finally got about an hour of sleep. I was doing ok until I found out that my relief was going to be LATE!?! So I pulled a 25 hour shift, and the finally got to come home. I crashed until about 1pm, which was definately NOT enough sleep, but any longer and I wouldn't sleep tonight... and I have to work tomorrow! *pouts* But I felt a little better after a shower and a LARGE Latte!
Then I got a phone call from my friend Becky asking if she and her 3 kids could come over for a little bit... so I had to clean my house in super human time to make it presentable. Afterall, I had been on leave and then at work and on duty. I hadn't really cleaned in a couple of weeks. So I was hopin and boppin and trying to inhale a sub from blimpy in the process.
The kids were tired and cranky, so they ended up leaving early. No big deal, it usually works better if I go to her house. So now I am sitting here updating my blog and singing my heart out. I have been sick since I got home, and to be honest... it has been a long time since I really sat down and spent time on my voice. I can't believe how much I have actually lost. But I am working hard to get it back.
I missed the American Idol Auditions.... no big deal, there is always next year. And I don't think I was ready this year. I have been writing a lot more songs recently though. I have a couple that are promising, but I don't really have any music for them yet.
Anyway... gotta run for a bit. Later!

Sleep Deprivation induced delirium

Ok... already I have used up my "big words" for the day. Tonight has progressed to the night from Hell. It all started with a "medication mistake" that NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED, but thankfully the outcome was good. No one was hurt, and hopefully it will be a learning experience instead of everybody pointing fingers. I think the worst part was it was a BABY. That is what pissed me off. Adults have a better time dealing with medications than infants do.... so the nursery ticked me off tonight.
Then the Alarms started! First it was a fridge that kept trying to freeze our medications at our satallite pharmacy. That went off a dozen times and I guess our Call rosters are retarded because NONE of the numbers helped us figure out who needed to shut the alarm off. Just when that drama was over, the alarm for the doors to the pharmacy went of. So then I had to go meet the MP's at the satallite and check all of the doors. I got back to the hospital about the time the alarm went off again. I swear I used a 1/4 of a tank of gas running errands today. I am going to start charging for gas!
I have officially been at work for 19 hours, which means I have been up for more than 20. My Sergeant counterpart has gone to take her turn at rest, and I wait ever so patiently in hopes that something interesting will happen to keep me awake until it is my turn.
OH! And another thing! IF you were the cheif of a section, and a major in the US Army, wouldn't you think that if we needed one of your doctors and we couldn't find a call roster, that it would be appropriate to call you? I thought so too... so I paged this particular Chief. And when he calls back, he is TOTALLY RUDE and tells me that I need to "look it up in the stupid computer... that's what it's there for" and then he HUNG UP ON ME!?! Talk about being UN PROFESSIONAL!
So I have discovered the joys of Chery Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I like it because it tastes like sombody mixed a Dr. Pepper and a Cherry coke... which I used to do as a kid. Everyone thought I was crazy then.... but who's crazy now? I could have made millions! But alas, I digress....
So have you ever heard that saying "mind your P's and Q's"? Do you know where that saying comes from? Well I do! It is from old english.... when you were in a pub, you bought your ale in Pints and Quarts. When I fight would break out, the bartender would tell you to "simmer down and Mind your Pints and Quarts" Thus: Mind your p's and q's! I am brilliant! *smiles*
Now I am watching Constantine and easting cold pizza left over from dinner. It definately isn't as good cold.... unless I am hung over. Unfortunately there will be no alcohol tonight. It would make things more interesting though.
I was thinking tonight about things I wish I had done that I haven't had the oppertunity yet.... not like, starting a family... but like things that I may never get to do now because of the life I have chosen and where my priorities lie. THe biggest one? Going to Mexico.... getting really drunk.... partying on the Beach, and then finding some very hot guys to talk to... then going home alone... simply because I could. Sounds wierd I know.... but it is almost 0230 and I thought it would be funny. I never really had guys that wanted me that I didn't like. So I never got to tell anybody no. Funny huh? ok... I think I have babbled enough. Back to my movie and then hopefully to sleep!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Love and Pizza

Ok.... so Love First...
I LOVE my Staff Duty Officer! She is AWESOME! Not only has she promised me three hours of sleep some time tonight in this endless boredom, but she let me LEAVE for 3 hours! I got to go home and relax a bit, I had dinner with friends, and then I stopped and got her dinner too. I also stopped and got coffee. So I will be sick and wired tonight! *smiles*
Second is Pizza...
I had pizza for dinner that was SO GOOD it was ALMOST New York Style. It was thin crusted and greasy and made my stomach turn just to look at it! It was GREAT! So all in all, my three hours were very nice. I should be getting some sleep around 1am, so I will not be a total zombie tomorrow and I may actually do something other than stare at the back of my eyelids!

Quick Rant
So, stupid people strike again, but they lost this time. We had some stupid E-6 Staff Sergeant parked in the expectant Mothers parking spaces.... and HE would not move his car. So we called the MP's (Military Police) and they TOWED HIS ESCALADE! HAHAHA ROFLMAO! Fuckin right! Stupid people.... atleast they are good for a laugh!

Gonna go for now.... sure I will have more to talk about later in my endless hours of sleep deprivation. The night is young... this could still get interesting!

2 down, 22 to go!

Well, I am sitting here and I am 2 hours in to my 24 hours of staff duty. The SSG I am with on duty tonight is AWESOME! She works on Labor and Delivery, which is on my Floor (I work in OB/GYN) so she understands a lot of the stressors that we face everyday with wives having babies while their husbands are in Iraq. She is also very fun and easy to talk to. She has to be one of my favorite people that I work with.
She let me go get my PS2 so that I can play games and watch movies. The hardest part about weekend duty is that there is NOTHING for us to do. During the week, we have errands to run and people to help... but on a sunday afternoon in a small town, the only thing going on in the hospital is the occasional "wrong number" on the phones.... or someone asking if the pharmacy is open. So we are going to watch some movies... play "Destroy All Humans" and probably order a pizza later. So much for my diet. I will get with it again tomorrow.
Atleast I have tomorrow off! SLEEP DAYS ROCK! It also shortens my week... but I have a ton of crap to do tomorrow. I gotta run for now. Talk to you all later!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

End of a boring day!

I am going to bed now. I have Staff Duty at the hospital tomorrow... which means 24 BORING hours at a desk answer phones and talking to stupid people! *smiles* So you will probably hear a lot from me!

My first Time

No really, this is my first time on this Blog. Scared you huh? WEll, I wanted to get on here and say something funny and witty to make you all smile and want to read more. But I have recently discovered that being funny and witty gets me in trouble!
I had a rant about some stupid people today. I am in the Army, for those of you that did not see my profile. I have been in the Army 2 years as a Combat medic. Doing the math, you realize that I joined the Army AFTER the war in Iraq started. Now riddle me this batman... why do people keep saying that the soldiers in Iraq "didn't sign on to spend a year in the desert"? HELLO?! That is exactly what I signed on for. Of course, I am one of the few who was left behind to hold down the rear... but come on. If it is one thing I knew when I joined, it was that I would one day get an invitation to the big sand dance. And if not me, then someone I know.
My Husband is in Iraq with the 3rd ID Right now, and he tells me every day how thankful he is to get to experience what he is going through. Yes... soldiers are dying, and most of them would rather be home that stuck in the desert playing peek-a-boo with IED's.... but not one of those soldiers over there can say that they were forced to join an army at war. None of them were drafted. We all knowingly and willingly signed on that Line. So please... hate the war, Hate Bush for starting a war that has gone on too long... But know that we knew what we were getting in to... and we still chose to serve our country.
New Topic!
Now that I have that out of my system.... my day has been filled with much brighter moments then the last few. I was having some issues with my past and was questioning some of my decisions. If you want to read all about it, check out my Old blog at and go to the links. I am not going to re live THAT again. But today has gone off much nicer. I got a lot of work done around my house. I am re-modeling our bedroom while David (My Husband) is gone, and I am about ready to start work on the furniture!
My friend Dave (not the same as my husband!) started this Blog for me, cause he didn't like my old one! *Sticks out tongue at Dave* But I wanted to say thank you to him. This is MUCH Easier. I have to go for now... this has been fun and LONG... but I will update later. I promise it will be shorter!


Test post.