Sunday, August 28, 2005

Science Moment

For those of you far enough away to not have to worry about hurricanes, I just wanted to give you a little fact....
Katrina is by far the Strongest storm we (since 1935) have seen. Remember Hurricane Andrew? Yes, that was a Cat 5 storm. Max sustained winds: 155mph, Minimum central pressure: 922mb (the lower,the worse the storm)
Now... compare to Katrina, Also a Cat 5 storm.... but: Max sustained Winds 160mph, (Down from 175 mph earlier today)Minimum Central Pressure: 904mb. So... this is the second largest storm in History (since records started in the 1800's).
Here's the worst part... New Orleans is under Sea level, and the protective Levies are only about.... 14ft High. This storm is predicted to have 22-28ft Storm surges.
The point of this post?
Pray for those in the path of this catastrophic storm.

*Authors Note: Check out for updates on the storm. I may be heading to New Orleans in the next day or so, as the National Guard is stretched thin and they will need medics. I will keep you posted*


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