Promotion board.... 8 days and counting.
Ok.... so I am FREAKING OUT about this stupid promotion board I am going to. I have been racking my brain studying and I still can't remember 2/3 of the info I need to have.
::Deep Breath::
Ok.... now to explain this to you non-military types, To go from the rank of Private (E-1) to the rank of Specialist (E-4) all you have to do it be in the army long enough, or get somone in your chain of command to put you in for a waiver for promotion. (This is how I made E-4 in just under 21 months! It's suppossed to be like.... 28 or something) After that, you move up in to what is known as the Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) Ranks. These ranks are Sargeant (E-5) Through Sargeant Major of the Army (E-9).
In order to get your E-5 of E-6, you have to attend a promotion board. This is a board of 4 Senior NCO's (E-7 and Up) and the unit Command Sargeant Major. You sit in front of them for about 30 minutes and they grill you with questions like:
"What Army Regulation governs the wear and appearance of Military Uniforms?"
"What are the 9 Severe Symptoms of Nerve agent Poisoning"
"What Year did the NCO Support Channel come in to effect"
and about.... a million more questions. There are 16-18 topics and 3 questions per topic. So as you can see.... there is a LOT of stuff to learn. So... next week will be stressfull.... but hopefully I will soon be losing this rank:
And getting this one!