Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well... for those of you that know me, You know I have been trying to get to my Promotion Boards to get my E-5 or Sergeant rank in the army. See... the Army works on this point system for your E-5 and E-6 (Which are pay grades for those who don't know... I am currently and E-4) You earn points through Physical training, Army training,Military and civillian education, and various other ways they can get you to work harder. You can earn a maximum of 800 points. To get promoted, each job has a point level at which they promote. If we need more Sergeants that are medics, points drop... making it easier to get the promotion. I have PLENTY of points. Lets just say I am somewhere above the 600 mark.... which is pretty good for my time in service. But I have to appear before a board and do a horse and pony show. I have to sit and answer these questions about the army that I have been studying for MONTHS. And I was suppossed to go in January... then February.... Then March... and Not, since BOTH of my supervisors are on leave... I don't have anyone to "present" me to the board. So I now wait till March... *growls* Anyway.... just ranting cause I am frustrated.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Long time...

Ok.... so I KNOW that I am going to be stoned for my absence... if there is even anyone still reading my blog! LOL... I admit that for a couple weeks after Dave got home, I was distracted. Then I went on Vacation. I just got home a few days ago, and I am going to start posting again... I PROMISE! So here we go...

Just to catch you up, I spent 9 days in Alaska... 35 Degrees and snowing most of the trip. It was beautiful, relaxing, and I finally realized how much I missed it up there. As soon as we are out of the Army, Dave and I are going back. AND I CANT WAIT! Basically all we did was hang out with friends... eat GREAT food... see family... and play around. It was just what the doctor ordered.

The last 5 days of my vacation were spent in Las Vegas. It was my first trip there since I turned 21... so it was nice. I won $40 playing Texas Hold'em... but it was late, I was tired, and the free drinks were flowing too well. I think had I stayed at the table, I would have been too drunk to win anymore. So I walked away while I was ahead. I didn't win anything else... but I did get to see some VERY neat things.

I got Dave on a roller coaster that goes upside down for the first time in his life. And his Dad and Sister when with us... it ROCKED!

"With heights of 203 feet, drops of 144 feet and speeds up to 67 MPH, this attraction adds new meaning to the phrase "let it ride!" It features the world's first "heartline" twist and dive maneuver, allowing riders to experience the thrilling force of negative g's! Simulating a barrel-roll in a jet fighter, it rolls 180 degrees, hangs 86 feet in the air, then dives back under itself- promising dizzying excitement and white-knuckle thrills!"

We went all over LV. We went hiking in the Calico Basin... and if you have never been there you are missing out on BEAUTIFUL scenery. We also went to the Sigfried and Roy Dolphin Habitat and Secret Garden. It was a GREAT experience. I got to play with a couple cool dolphins, as well as watch a trainer walk in to a cage with 3 leopards and play with them like they were kittens. No protection, so nothing... just walked in and started petting them! I think my sister (who I ALSO got to see!) got some photos. I will try and get copies.

So that was the short version of my vacation. Lets just say it ROCKED and I also got to see my nephew Connor for the first time in more than a year! He is Almost 3 and is already 41 INCHES TALL! He is SO CUTE. I will put pics of him up later. Gotta run for now... Miss you all!