Thursday, September 15, 2005

Breaking the habit and a SLIGHT laps in eating...

Well, I have done it. I have sworn off Soda and anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup. In fact, tonight, I plan on molesting my kitchen until there is not more HFC in sight. Then I will go to the grocery store and stock up on "acceptable" snacks.
I had a wake up call last night on the topic of HFC... I was online with Dave and we started talking about it and I got curious. So I got up and checked my "normal" Breakfast food which included things like "Frosted Mini Wheats" and "Quaker Granola bars" and "breakfast bars" as well as various other normal breakfast foods.

ALL of them contained HFC.

I was in Shock. I began to hunt for other items and I have to say I was APPALLED at the amount of crap in my kitchen. *sighs*

BUT! (Yes, there is a but) I have found a light at the end of the tunnel. One of my FAVORITE cereals is Kashi Go lean Crunch.... ALL ORGANIC and is sweetened with Honey NOT HFC *smiles* And there were a few good things in my fridge. I have already switched to skim milk, and I had apples and carrots and such. I am also a HUGE fan of lean Cuisine meals. So a few minor tweaks and adjustments to my eating schedule and my habits and things should start looking up. I stepped on the scale today and there was no change in my weight yet... but I won't let that stop me.
Today did prove to be a bad day for eating though. My co-workers took me out for mexican food. I did pretty well. Taco Salad with Salsa dressing... Watermelon for desert... the only BAD thing was the 3 taquitos I ate. I don't even WANT to know how many calories were in that. So i am going to work extra hard at the gym tonight. Wish me luck!!!!


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Frontallobe said...

nicely done Jenni. HFC is the killer! Get some protein in your diet and the fat will burn quicker. 1 gram of protein per day for each pound you weigh. Rock!

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Silver said...

Applause for the simple fact you said you were going to molest something. I would've never thought that would ever come out of your mouth.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Jenni said...

Jay, thanks for the pointers... I really appreciate any advice.
Dave, I am not quite the little nerd I used to be... and going to basic trainging with 100 guys that could make a sailor blush didn't help. I sometimes get myself in trouble cause I say things before I think about them. *blushes*


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